Command reference
Bash script to instal dev version of Odoo in local environment
Script version: 1.6.1
Before running this script, system dependencies and pre-requirements
have to be installed.
To do this run following commands(*sudo* required):
$ odoo-helper install pre-requirements
$ odoo-helper install sys-deps <odoo-version>
bash odoo-install [options]
Environment variables used:
ODOO_BRANCH - allow to clone specified branch. Current val is 12.0
ODOO_DOWNLOAD_ARCHIVE - (on|off) if on then only archive will be downloaded
not clonned. Current value is 'on'
ODOO_DBHOST - allow to specify Postgresql's server host.
Current value: localhost
ODOO_DBUSER - allow to specify user to connect to DB as.
Current value: odoo
ODOO_DBPASSWORD - allow to specify db password to connect to DB as.
Current value: odoo
Available options:
-i|--install-dir <dir> - directory to install odoo in. default:
--odoo-repo <git repo> - git repository to get Odoo from. default:
Used only if *download-archive* set to *off*
--ocb - Use [OCB (Odoo Community Backports)]( fork
--ou|--openupgrade - [Deprecated] Use [OpenUpgrade]( fork
--odoo-version <odoo version> - odoo version to install. default: 12.0
-b|--odoo-branch <branch> - specify odoo branch to install. default: 12.0
Normaly it is same as odoo version, but if You want to install odoo
from diferent branch, use this option.
--dev - [sudo] This option enables automatic installation of developer tools,
like, pylint, flake8, unbuffer, etc.
May require sudo.
--download-archive on|off - if on, then odoo will be downloaded as archive. it is faster
if You want to clone Odoo repository set this option to 'off'
Default: on
--git - Same as '--download-archive off'
--archive - Same as '--download-archive on'
--single-branch on|off - if on, then odoo will clone only single branch,
which will speed-up install process.
This option is used only if --download-archive is 'off'
Default: on
--build-python <ver> - build custom python for specified version
'auto' could be specified to automatically guess correct version.
--build-python-if-needed - Automatically detect if it is necessary to build custom python.
--build-python-optimize - Apply '--enable-optimizations' for python build.
This could take a while.
--build-python-sqlite3 - Apply --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions
when building python.
--node-version <ver> - Version of node.js to be installed. By default lts.
--no-single-branch - Set '--signle-branch' option to 'off'
--db-host <host> - database host to be used in settings. default: localhost
--db-user <user> - database user to be used in settings. default: odoo
--db-pass <password> - database password to be used in settings. default: odoo
--create-db-user - [sudo] if set, odoo-helper will try to create
postgresql user after the installation of odoo.
--http-port <port> - automatically set configuration for http port for this instance
--http-host <host> - automatically set configuration for http host for this instance
--conf-opt-<option_name> - rewrite configuration option. Ex: '--conf-opt-xmlrpc_port 9999'
--test-conf-opt-<option_name> - rewrite test configuration option Ex: '--conf-opt-xmlrpc_port 9998'
--enable-unbuffer - use this optiona to enable usage of unbuffer for this installation.
this option will use unbuffer to make output of tests colored,
thus more readable.
--sys-deps - [sudo] Install system dependencies automatically.
--ikwid - [I Know What I Do], set this option to disable all safeguards.
For example, you can use this opt to run odoo installation as root.
--verbose|--vv - show extra output
--help|-h|help - show this help message
After instalation configs will be generated in 'conf' directory
Also 'log' directory will contain Odoo logs
Note that, it is safe enough to run this script second time with same or similar args
if it breaks somehow. It will automaticaly detect if odoo sources were downloaded or
virtual environment created and will not do this operations second time.
For bug reports use gitlab issues:
Odoo helper script collection
Version: 1.6.1
odoo-helper [global options] command [command options]
Current project settings:
Project dir: 'No project found';
Branch: 'Not defined'
Available commands:
fetch [--help] - fetch and install odoo addon
link [--help] - link module to custom_addons dir
server [--help] - manage local odoo server (run, start, stop, etc)
addons [--help] - addons related helpers
odoo [--help] - Odoo utils.
test [--help] - test addon
lint [--help] - lint addon
db [--help] - database management (list, create, drop, etc...)
tr [--help] - manage translations (import, export, load, ...)
postgres [--help] - manage local instance of postgresql server
git [--help] - git-related commands
ci [--help] - commands usefule for Continious Integration
install [--help] - install related stuff (sys-deps, ...)
doc-utils [--help] - subcommand that contains doc utlities
update-odoo [--help] - update odoo source code
odoo-py [args] - run project-specific script
scaffold [--help] - Scaffold repo, addon, model, etc
print-config - print current configuration
status - show project status
system [--help] - odoo-helper related functions
exec <cmd> [args] - exec command in project environment. Useful if virtualenv is used
pip [--oca] <pip arguments> - shortcut to run project-specific pip.
if option *--oca* is specified, then OCA wheelhouse
will be used to install OCA addons.
npm <npm arguments> - Run npm installed in current project's environment
python [args] - Run python for this instance
ipython [args] - Run ipython shell
browse - Open running odoo instance in browser
help | --help | -h - display this help message
--version|version - display odoo-helper version and exit
Shortcuts (aliases):
start - shortcut for 'server start' commands
stop - shortcut for 'server stop' commands
restart - shortcut for 'server restart' commands
log - shortcut for 'server log' commands
ps - shortcut for 'server ps' command
psql - shortcut for 'postgres psql' command
pylint - shortcut for 'lint pylint' command
flake8 - shortcut for 'lint flake8' command
style - shortcut for 'lint style' command
pg - shortcut for 'postgres' command
lsa - shortcut for 'addons list' command
lsd - shortcut for 'db list' command
ual - shortcut for 'addons update-list'
addin - shortcut for 'addons install'
addup - shortcut for 'addons update'
fix-versions - shortcut for 'ci fix-versions' command
Global options:
--use-copy - if set, then downloaded modules, repositories will
be copied instead of being symlinked
--use-unbuffer - if set, then 'unbuffer' command from 'expect' package will be used
otherwise standard 'exec' will be used to run odoo server
this helps to make odoo server think that it runs in terminal thus
it provides colored output.
--no-colors - disable colored output
--verbose|--vv - show extra output
Also global options may be set up using configuration files.
Folowing file paths will be searched for file odoo-helper.conf:
- /etc/default/odoo-helper.conf - Default conf. there may be some general settings placed
- /root/odoo-helper.conf - User specific oconf (overwrites previous conf)
- Project specific conf - File odoo-helper.conf will be searched in /builds/katyukha/odoo-helper-scripts and all parent
directories. First one found will be used
Configuration files are simple bash scripts that sets environment variables
odoo-helper install
Install utils, fix installation, etc
odoo-helper install pre-requirements [--help] - [sudo] install system pre-requirements
odoo-helper install sys-deps [--help] - [sudo] install system dependencies for odoo version
odoo-helper install py-deps [--help] - install python dependencies for odoo version (requirements.txt)
odoo-helper install py-prerequirements - install project-level python prerequirements
(python packages required for odoo-helper)
odoo-helper install py-tools [--help] - install python tools (pylint, flake8, ...)
odoo-helper install js-tools [--help] - install javascript tools (jshint, phantomjs)
odoo-helper install bin-tools [--help] - [sudo] install binary tools. at this moment it is *unbuffer*,
which is in *expect-dev* package
odoo-helper install dev-tools [--help] - [sudo] install dev tools.
odoo-helper install unoconv [--help] - [sudo] install unoconv.
odoo-helper install openupgradelib [--help] - install lates openupgradelib.
odoo-helper install wkhtmltopdf [--help] - [sudo] install wkhtmtopdf
odoo-helper install postgres [user] [password] - [sudo] install postgres.
and if user/password specified, create it
odoo-helper install reinstall-venv [--help] - reinstall virtual environment
odoo-helper install reinstall-odoo [--help] - completly reinstall odoo
(downlload or clone new sources, create new virtualenv, etc).
Options are:
- clone odoo as git repository
- download odoo archieve and unpack source
odoo-helper install <addon1> [addon2]... - [experimental] install addons on all databases.
this is alternative for: odoo-helper addons install
odoo-helper install --help - show this help message
odoo-helper install pre-requirements
Install system dependencies for odoo-helper-scripts itself and
common dependencies for Odoo.
odoo-helper install pre-requirements [options] - install requirements
odoo-helper install pre-requirements --help - show this help message
-y|--yes - Always answer yes
odoo-helper install sys-deps
Install system dependencies for specific Odoo version.
odoo-helper install sys-deps [options] <odoo-version> - install deps
odoo-helper install sys-deps --help - show help msg
-y|--yes - Always answer yes
-b|--branch <branch> - Odoo branch to fetch deps for
odoo-helper install py-deps
Install python dependencies for specific Odoo version.
odoo-helper install py-deps [options] [odoo-version] - install python dependencies
odoo-helper install py-deps --help - show this help message
-b|--branch <branch> - Odoo branch to install deps for
Install extra python tools.
Following packages will be installed:
- setproctitle
- watchdog
- pylint-odoo
- coverage
- flake8
- websocket-client (required for tests in Odoo 12.0)
- jingtrang
odoo-helper install py-tools [options] - install extra tools
odoo-helper install py-tools --help - show this help message
-q|--quiet - quiet mode. reduce output
--upgrade - upgrade the tools
Install extra javascript tools.
Following packages will be installed:
- eslint
- phantomjs-prebuilt (only for Odoo below 12.0)
- stylelint
- stylelint-config-standard
odoo-helper install js-tools [options] - install extra js tools
odoo-helper install js-tools --help - show this help message
-u|--update - update js packages
-h|--help|help - show this help message
Install extra tools.
This command installs expect-dev package that brings 'unbuffer' program.
'unbuffer' program allow to run command without buffering.
This is required to make odoo show collors in log.
odoo-helper install bin-tools [options] - install extra tools
odoo-helper install bin-tools --help - show this help message
-y|--yes - Always answer yes
Install extra development tools. May require sudo.
This command is just an alias to run following commands with single call:
- odoo-helper install bin-tools
- odoo-helper install py-tools
- odoo-helper install js-tools
odoo-helper install dev-tools [options] - install extra dev tools
odoo-helper install dev-tools --help - show this help message
--upgrade - upgrade tools
-h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper install unoconv
Install unoconv;
sudo is required for this command.
Only available for odoo 11.0+
Have to be run on per-project basis.
Warning: this command is experimental.
odoo-helper install unoconv - install unconv
odoo-helper install unoconv --help - show this help message
odoo-helper install openupgradelib
Install latest openupgradelib;
Warning: this command is experimental.
odoo-helper install openupgradelib - install openupgradelib
odoo-helper install openupgradelib --help - show this help message
odoo-helper install wkhtmltopdf
Install wkhtmltopdf. It is required to print PDF reports.
odoo-helper install wkhtmltopdf [options]
--update - install even if it is already installed
--fallback - if there is no wkhtmltodpf for current release,
then try to install from fallback repos.
--help - show this help message
odoo-helper install postgres
Install postgresql server and optionaly automatically create postgres user
for this Odoo instance.
Install postgresql only:
odoo-helper install postgres
Install postgresql and create postgres user:
odoo-helper install postgres <user> <password>
odoo-helper install reinstall-odoo
Reinstall odoo. Usualy used when initialy odoo was installed as archive,
but we want to reinstall it as git repository to better track updates.
odoo-helper install reinstall-odoo [options] <type> - reinstall odoo
<type> could be:
git - reinstall Odoo as git repository.
archive - reinstall Odoo from archive.
--no-backup - do not backup old version of odoo
--single-branch - in case of reinstallting from git,
clone only single branch of odoo.
This could increase speed of clonning and
reduce disk size needed to store odoo code
-h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper install reinstall-venv
Recreate virtualenv environment.
odoo-helper install reinstall-venv [options] - reinstall virtualenv
odoo-helper install reinstall-venv --help - show this help message
-p|--python <python ver> - python version to recreate virtualenv with.
Same as --python option of virtualenv
--node-version <version> - version of node.js to be installed.
Default: lts
--no-backup - do not backup virtualenv
--build-python <version> - Build custom version of python for
this virtual environment.
'auto' could be specified to automatically guess correct version.
--build-python-if-needed - Automatically detect if it is necessary to build custom python.
--build-python-optimize - Apply --enable-optimizations to python build.
This could take a while.
--build-python-sqlite3 - Apply --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions
when building python.
odoo-helper addons
Manage Odoo addons
odoo-helper addons list --help - list addons in specified directory
odoo-helper addons list-repos [addons path] - list git repositories
odoo-helper addons list-no-repo [addons path] - list addons not under git repo
odoo-helper addons check-updates [addons path] - Check for git updates of addons and displays status
odoo-helper addons pull-updates --help - Pull changes from git repos
odoo-helper addons status --help - show addons status
odoo-helper addons update --help - update some addon[s]
odoo-helper addons install --help - install some addon[s]
odoo-helper addons uninstall --help - uninstall some addon[s]
odoo-helper addons update-list --help - update list of addons
odoo-helper addons test-installed --help - lists databases this addon is installed in
odoo-helper addons find-installed --help - print list of addons installed in at least one db
odoo-helper addons update-py-deps - update python dependencies of addons
odoo-helper addons generate-requirements - generate odoo_requirements.txt for this instance
odoo-helper addons -h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper addons ls -> odoo-helper addons list
odoo-helper addons link -> odoo-helper link
odoo-helper addons test -> odoo-helper test
odoo-helper addons list
odoo-helper addons list [options] [path [path2 [pathn]]]
odoo-helper addons list --help
-r|--recursive - look for addons recursively
--installable - display only installable addons
--linked - display only linked addons
--not-linked - display addons that are not present in custom_addons dir
--by-name - display only addon names
--by-path - display addon path
--filter <expr> - filter addons by expression.
expression is a string that is bash regular expression
(this option is experimental and its bechavior may be changed)
--except-filter <expr> - skip addons that match filter
--color - color result by link-status
-h|--help - display this help message
--by-name and --by-path options are conflicting,
thus last option in command call will take effect.
odoo-helper addons install
odoo-helper addons install [options] <addons> - install some addons
odoo-helper addons install [options] all - install all addons
odoo-helper addons install --help
-d|--db <database> - database to install addons on.
may be specified multiple times.
If not specified, then command applied to
all databases available for
this odoo instance
--cdb|--conf-db - default database from config file
--tdb|--test-db - database used for tests
--no-restart - do not restart server during addons update
By default server will be stopped before
command and restarted after command finishes.
If command return non-zero exit code, then
server will not be restarted.
--start - Start odoo server on install success.
--log - Open log after install
--dir <addon path> - directory to install addons from.
Searches for all installable addons
in specified directory.
May be specified multiple times
--dir-r <addon path> - Same as --dir, but searches for addons recursively.
May be specified multiple times
-m|--module <addon> - install addon name. This option is added
to be consistend with *odoo-helper test* command.
Could be specified multiple times
--ual - update apps list first.
Sync new addons available for Odoo to database.
This is usualy required on install of addon
that was just fetched from repository,
and is not yet present in Odoo database
--skip-errors - Do not fail on single DB. Useful in case of update of multiple databases.
--show-log-on-error - Show last 100 lines of log on error.
--show-log-on-error=42 - Show last 42 lines of log on error.
odoo-helper addons update
odoo-helper addons update [options] <addons> - update some addons
odoo-helper addons update [options] all - update all addons
odoo-helper addons update --help
-d|--db <database> - database to update addons on.
may be specified multiple times.
If not specified, then command applied to
all databases available for
this odoo instance
--cdb|--conf-db - default database from config file
--tdb|--test-db - database used for tests
--no-restart - do not restart server during addons update
By default server will be stopped before
command and restarted after command finishes.
If command return non-zero exit code, then
server will not be restarted.
--start - Start odoo server on update success.
--log - Open log after update
--dir <addon path> - directory to update addons from.
Searches for all installable addons
in specified directory.
May be specified multiple times
--dir-r <addon path> - Same as --dir, but searches for addons recursively.
May be specified multiple times
-m|--module <addon> - update addon name. This option is added
to be consistend with *odoo-helper test* command.
Could be specified multiple times
--ual - update apps list first.
Sync new addons available for Odoo to database.
This is usualy required on install of addon
that was just fetched from repository,
and is not yet present in Odoo database
--skip-errors - Do not fail on single DB. Useful in case of update of multiple databases.
--show-log-on-error - Show last 100 lines of log on error.
--show-log-on-error=42 - Show last 42 lines of log on error.
odoo-helper addons uninstall
odoo-helper addons uninstall [options] <addons> - uninstall some addons
odoo-helper addons uninstall [options] all - uninstall all addons
odoo-helper addons uninstall --help
-d|--db <database> - database to uninstall addons on.
may be specified multiple times.
If not specified, then command applied to
all databases available for
this odoo instance
--cdb|--conf-db - default database from config file
--tdb|--test-db - database used for tests
--no-restart - do not restart server during addons update
By default server will be stopped before
command and restarted after command finishes.
If command return non-zero exit code, then
server will not be restarted.
--start - Start odoo server on uninstall success.
--log - Open log after uninstall
--dir <addon path> - directory to uninstall addons from.
Searches for all installable addons
in specified directory.
May be specified multiple times
--dir-r <addon path> - Same as --dir, but searches for addons recursively.
May be specified multiple times
-m|--module <addon> - uninstall addon name. This option is added
to be consistend with *odoo-helper test* command.
Could be specified multiple times
--ual - update apps list first.
Sync new addons available for Odoo to database.
This is usualy required on install of addon
that was just fetched from repository,
and is not yet present in Odoo database
--skip-errors - Do not fail on single DB. Useful in case of update of multiple databases.
--show-log-on-error - Show last 100 lines of log on error.
--show-log-on-error=42 - Show last 42 lines of log on error.
odoo-helper addons update-list
odoo-helper addons update-list [options] [db] - update module list
odoo-helper addons update-list --help
Update list of addons (apps) in specified databases.
If no databases specified, then all databases will be updated.
--cdb|--conf-db - use default database from config file
--tdb|--test-db - use database used for tests
-h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper addons update-py-deps
odoo-helper addons update-py-deps
Update python dependencies of custom addons.
This command iterates over all custom addons and install
dependencies mentioned in 'requirements.txt' file.
Additionally it check if there is repository-level
'requirements.txt' file and install dependencies from there.
-h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper addons status
odoo-helper addons status [options]
--addons-dir - directory to search addons in. By default used one from
project config
--only-unclean - show only addons in unclean repo state
--only-git-updates - display only addons that are not up to date with remotes
--ignore-no-git-repo - do not show addons that are not in any git repository
--help|-h - diplay this help message
odoo-helper addons generate-requirements
odoo-helper addons generate-requirements [addons dir]
parse *addons dir*, find all addons that are
git repositories and print *odoo-requirements.txt* content
if *addons dir* is not set, then all addons available
for this instance will be parsed.
file content suitable for *fetch* subcommand.
for example:
odoo-helper addons generate-requirements > odoo_requirements.txt
and you can use generated file for fetch subcommand:
odoo-helper fetch --requirements odoo_requirements.txt
odoo-helper addons test-installed
odoo-helper addons test-installed <addon>
test if addon is installed in at least one database
and print names of databases where this addon is installed
-h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper addons find-installed
odoo-helper addons find-installed [options]
Find all addons that installed in at least one database
--db|--database <name> - name of database to search addons in.
Could be specified multiple times.
--packager-format - output in odoo-packager format
-h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper addons pull-updates
odoo-helper addons pull-updates [options]
--addons-dir - directory to search addons in. By default used one from
project config
--ual - update list of addons in all databases
--do-update - update addons (call 'addons update' command)
--help|-h - diplay this help message
odoo-helper db
Manage odoo databases
odoo-helper db list --help
odoo-helper db exists --help
odoo-helper db is-demo --help
odoo-helper db create --help
odoo-helper db drop --help
odoo-helper db rename --help
odoo-helper db copy --help
odoo-helper db dump --help [deprecated]
odoo-helper db backup --help
odoo-helper db backup-all --help
odoo-helper db dump-manifest --help
odoo-helper db restore --help
odoo-helper db list
List available database
odoo-helper db list [options] [conf file] - show list of databases
odoo-helper db list --help - show this help message
odoo-helper db create
Creates new database
odoo-helper db create [options] <name> [odoo_conf_file]
<name> - name of new database
--name <name> - name of new database
--demo - load demo-data (default: no demo-data)
--lang <lang> - specified language for this db.
<lang> is language code like 'en_US'...
--password <pass> - Password for admin user. default: admin
--country <code> - Country code to select country for this DB.
Accountinug configuration will be detected
Only supported on Odoo 9.0+
--recreate - if database with such name exists,
then drop it first
--if-not-exists - create database if it is not exists yet
--tdb - create test database with standard name
and with demo data
-i|--install <addon> - Install specified addon to created db.
Could be specified multiple times
--install-dir <dir> - Install all addons in spcified directory.
--help - display this help message
odoo-helper db drop
Drop database
odoo-helper db drop [options] <dbname> [conf file] - drop database
odoo-helper db drop --help - show this help message
-q|--quite - do not show messages
-c|--conf <path> - path to config file to use. Default:
-h|--help - show this help message.
odoo-helper db exists
Test if database exists
odoo-helper db exists [options] <dbname> [conf file] - test if db exists
odoo-helper db exists --help - show this help message
-q|--quite do not show messages
odoo-helper db is-demo
Test if demo-data installed in database
odoo-helper db is-demo [options] <dbname> - test if dbname contains demo-data
odoo-helper db is-demo --help - show this help message
-q|--quite do not show messages
odoo-helper db rename
Rename database
odoo-helper db rename [options] <old_name> <new_name> [odoo_conf_file]
<old_name> - name of existing database
<new_name> - new name of database
--help - display this help message
odoo-helper db copy
Copy database
odoo-helper db copy [options] <src_name> <new_name> [odoo_conf_file]
<src_name> - name of existing database
<new_name> - new name of database
--help - display this help message
odoo-helper db dump-manifest
Print dump-manifest for specified database
odoo-helper db dump-manifest <dbname> - print manifest for dbname
odoo-helper db dump-manifest --help - show this help message
odoo-helper db backup
odoo-helper db backup-all
odoo-helper db restore
Restore database.
odoo-helper db restore [options] <dbname> <dump_file>
<dbname> - name of database to restore
<dump_file> - path to database backup
--conf <path> - path to configuration file
--tmp-dir <path> - use different temp dir
--help - display this help message
odoo-helper fetch
Fetch Odoo addons from various sources
(including git, Odoo Apps)
odoo-helper fetch -r|--repo <git repository> [-m|--module <odoo module name>] [-n|--name <repo name>] [-b|--branch <git branch>]
odoo-helper fetch --github <github username/reponame> [-m|--module <odoo module name>] [-n|--name <repo name>] [-b|--branch <git branch>]
odoo-helper fetch --oca <OCA reponame> [-m|--module <odoo module name>] [-n|--name <repo name>] [-b|--branch <git branch>]
odoo-helper fetch --requirements <requirements file>
-r|--repo <repo> - Git repository to get module from
--github <user/repo> - Allows to specify repository located on github in short format
--oca <repo name> - Allows to specify Odoo Comunity Association module in simpler format
--git-single-branch - Clone git repositories with '--single-branch' options.
This could make clonning faster and use less space.
Suitable for server installations.
--git-depth-1 - Clone git repositories with '--depth=1' option.
This option could signifiantly reduce size of large git
repositories and download speed. But as drawback, it
does not suit well for development, because it could be difficult
to push changes back to repository.
But, it should be helpful in case of using docker to reduce
size of resulting docker image and faster build.
--odoo-app <app_name> - [experimental] Fetch module from Odoo Apps Market.
Works only for free modules.
-m|--module <module> - Module name to be fetched from repository
-n|--name <repo name> - Repository name. this name is used for directory to clone repository in.
Usualy not required
-b|--branch <branch> - Name fo repository branch to clone
--requirements <file> - Path to requirements file to fetch required modules
NOTE: requirements file must end with newline.
Configuration via environment variables:
- ODOO_HELPER_FETCH_GIT_SINGLE_BRANCH - if set then odoo-helper
will use --single-branch
option to clone repositories
- ODOO_HELPER_FETCH_GIT_DEPTH_1 - if set, the odoo-helper
will user --depth=1 option
to clone repositories
- ODOO_HELPER_FETCH_PIP_AUTO_REQUIREMENTS - if set, then odoo-helper
will process
file in repositories/modules
Note that in one call only one option of
(--repo, --github, --oca, --odoo-app)
have to be present in one line.
# fetch default branch of base_tags repository, link all modules placed in repository
odoo-helper fetch --repo
# same as previous but via --github option
odoo-helper fetch --github crnd-inc/generic-addons
# fetch project_description module from project repository of OCA
odoo-helper fetch --oca project -m project_description
# fetch bureaucrat_helpdesk_lite module from Odoo Apps
odoo-helper fetch --odoo-app bureaucrat_helpdesk_lite
odoo-helper link
odoo-helper link [options] <repo_path>
-f|--force - rewrite links if already exists
--fetch-manifest-py-deps - fetch python dependencies from addon's manifest
--module-name <name> - name of module to link from repo
--no-fetch - Do not fetch repositories recursively
--ual - update addons list after link
odoo-helper server
Manage Odoo instance
odoo-helper server [options] [command] [args]
args - arguments that usualy will be passed forward to openerp-server script
run [--help] - run the server. if no command supply, this one will be used
start [--help] - start server in background
stop - stop background running server
restart [--help] - restart background server
status - status of background server
log - open server log
ps - print running odoo processes
-h|--help|help - display this message
--use-test-conf - Use test configuration file for server
-u|--user - [sudo] Name of user to run server as
odoo-helper server run
Run Odoo server in foreground
odoo-helper server run [options] -- [odoo options]
--test-conf - run odoo-server with test configuration file
--coverage - run odoo with coverage mode enabled
--no-unbuffer - do not use unbuffer.
-h|--help|help - display this message
Options after '--' will be passed directly to Odoo.
For example:
$ odoo-helper server run --test-conf -- workers=2
For --coverage option files in current working directory will be covered
To add customa paths use environement variable COVERAGE_INCLUDE
odoo-helper server start
Start Odoo server in background
odoo-helper server start [options] -- [odoo options]
--test-conf - start odoo-server with test configuration file
--coverage - start odoo with coverage mode enabled
--log - open logfile after server been started
-h|--help|help - display this message
Options after '--' will be passed directly to Odoo.
For example:
$ odoo-helper server start --test-conf -- workers=2
For --coverage option files in current working directory will be covered
To add customa paths use environement variable COVERAGE_INCLUDE
odoo-helper lint
Check addons with linters
odoo-helper lint flake8 <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper lint pylint <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper lint pylint [--disable=E111,E222,...] <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper lint style <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper lint -h|--help|help - show this help
odoo-helper lint flake8
odoo-helper lint flake8 <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper lint flake8 --help
Lint addons with [Flake8](
By default lints only installable addons ('installable' is True) on
specified *addon paths*
To run unwrapped flake8 use following command:
$ odoo-helper exec flake8
odoo-helper lint style
odoo-helper lint style <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper lint style --help
Lint styles (*.css, *.less, *.scss).
This command uses [stylelint]( with
standard config (stylelint-config-standard)
odoo-helper test
Run tests for addons
odoo-helper test [options] [-m <module_name>] [-m <module name>] ...
odoo-helper test [options] [-d <dir with addons to test>]
odoo-helper test flake8 <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper test pylint <addon path> [addon path]
odoo-helper test pylint [--disable=E111,E222,...] <addon path> [addon path]
-t|--create-test-db - Creates temporary database to run tests in
--recreate-db - Recreate test database if it already exists
--test-db-name <dbname> - Use specific name for test database
--tdb <dbname> - Shortcut for --test-db-name
--fail-on-warn - if this option passed, then tests will fail even on warnings
--migration - run migration tests
--migration-repo <repo path> - run migration tests for repo specified by path
--migration-start-ref <ref> - git reference (branch/commit/tag) to start migration from
the system will use this ref as starting point to test migration
--coverage - calculate code coverage (use python's *coverage* util)
--coverage-html - automaticaly generate coverage html report
--coverage-html-dir <dir> - Directory to save coverage report to. Default: ./htmlcov
--coverage-html-view - Open coverage report in browser
--coverage-report - print coverage report
--coverage-skip-covered - skip covered files in coverage report
--coverage-fail-under <value> - fail if coverage is less then specified value
--coverage-ignore-errors - Ignore errors for coverage report
-m|--module <module> - specify module to test
-d|--dir|--directory <dir> - search for modules to test in specified directory
--dir-r|--directory-r <dir> - recursively search for modules to test in specified directory
--skip <path or name> - skip addons specified by path or name.
could be specified multiple times.
--skip-re <regex> - skip addons that match specified regex.
could be specified multiple times.
--time - measure test execution time
--no-drop-db - Do not drop test db (if temporary db was created)
odoo-helper test -m my_cool_module # test single addon
odoo-helper test -d addon_dir # test all addons in specified directory
odoo-helper test --dir-r addon_dir # test all addons in specified directory
# and subdirectories
To handle coverage right, it is recommended to run tests
being inside repository root directory or inside addon root directory,
because, by default, only files in current working directory included
in coverage report.
Default test database name usualy computed as:
- value of 'db_name' param in test config file (confs/odoo.test.conf)
- '{db_user}-odoo-test'
In case of testing migration, the command have to be ran within
git repository that contains addons to be tested for migration,
or git repository have to be specified by --migration-repo option.
Also, in this case repo must follow standard odoo branching scheme,
when stable branch named by odoo serie (16.0) and development branch
is prefixed within odoo serie (16.0-my-dev).
If migration testing enabled, then odoo-helper will do following steps:
0. Assume that current branch on repo have to be tested against update from stable branch.
So keep reference to this branch before switching to stable one.
1. Switch repo to the stable version/branch (16.0),
2. Install addons to be tested on test database
3. Switch to branch to be tested.
4. Update list of addons
5. Update addons to be tested. This will run migrations.
6. Run tests on migrated database.
odoo-helper odoo
Helper functions for Odoo
odoo-helper odoo recompute --help - recompute stored fields for database
odoo-helper odoo recompute-menu --help - recompute menus for db
odoo-helper odoo server-url - print URL to access this odoo instance
odoo-helper odoo shell - open odoo shell
odoo-helper odoo clean-compiled-assets - Remove compilled versions of assets
odoo-helper odoo --help - show this help message
odoo-helper odoo recompute
Recompute stored fields
odoo-helper odoo recompute <options> - recompute stored fields for database
odoo-helper odoo recompute --help - show this help message
-d|--db|--dbname <dbname> - name of database to recompute stored fields on
--tdb - recompute for test database
-m|--model <model name> - name of model (in '' format)
to recompute stored fields on
-f|--field <field name> - name of field to be recomputed.
could be specified multiple times,
to recompute few fields at once.
--parent-store - recompute parent left and parent right fot selected model
conflicts wiht --field option
Recompute menu hierarchy.
Useful to recompute menu hierarchy when it is broken.
this is usualy caused by errors during update.
odoo-helper odoo recompute-menu <options> - recompute menu for specified db
odoo-helper odoo recompute-menu --help - show this help message
-d|--db|--dbname <dbname> - name of database to recompute menu for
--tdb - recompute for test database
odoo-helper odoo clean-compiled-assets
Remove compiled assets (css, js, etc) to enforce Odoo
to regenerate compiled assets.
This is required some times, when compiled assets are broken,
and Odoo do not want to regenerate them in usual way.
WARNING: This is experimental feature;
odoo-helper odoo clean-compiled-assets <options> - clean-up assets
odoo-helper odoo recompute-menu --help - show this help
-d|--db|--dbname <dbname> - name of database to clean-up assets for
--all - apply to all databases
odoo-helper tr
Manage translations
odoo-helper tr export <db> <lang> <file_name> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr export <db> <lang> <file_name> all
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> <lang> <file_name> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> <lang> <file_name> all
odoo-helper tr load --help
odoo-helper tr generate-pot --help
odoo-helper tr regenerate --help
odoo-helper tr rate --help
<file_name> here is name of file to load lang from in i18n dir of addon.
For example language 'uk_UA' is usualy placed in files named 'uk.po'
So to deal with ukrainian translations commands should look like:
odoo-helper tr export <db> uk_UA uk <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr export <db> uk_UA uk all
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> uk_UA uk <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> uk_UA uk --dir=/addons/dir --dir-r=/addons/dir2 [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> uk_UA uk all
Also it is possible to call *tr import* and *tr load* commands
for all databases this server manages. if db name passed as arg is __all__
For example:
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] __all__ <lang> <file_name> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr export
odoo-helper tr export [options] <db> <lang> <file_name> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr export [options] <db> <lang> <file_name> all
Export translations to specified files for specified lang from specified db
This script exports trnaslations for addons and usualy used to update *.po files
and add there new translation terms
--missing-only - export only missing translations
(do not overwrite files)
--pot-update - if translation already exists and --missing-only enabled
then instead of regenerating translation only update
translations of based on .pot file.
--help - show this help message
db - name of database to export translations from.
lang - language to export translations for.
Usualy it looks like en_UA or uk_UA or ru_RU, etc
file name - name of trnaslation files to export translations to.
Odoo have two types of translation file name.
One is named like short lang code, and other as full lang code.
For example: uk.po and uk_UA.po
Full code is prioritized.
addonN - name of addon to export transaltions for.
it is possible to specify 'all' name of addon, in this case
translations will be updated for all installed addons.
odoo-helper tr import
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> <lang> <file_name> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] <db> <lang> <file_name> all
odoo-helper tr import [--overwrite] __all__ <lang> <file_name> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
Import translations from specified files for specified lang to specified db
This script imports trnaslations from addons and usualy used to update translations
in databases when there some *.po files have changed.
--overwrite - if set, the existing translations will be overridden
--help - show this help message
db - name of database to import translations in.
if set to __all__, then translations will be imported to all databases
available for this odoo instance
lang - language to import translations for.
Usualy it looks like en_UA or uk_UA or ru_RU, etc
file name - name of trnaslation files to import translations from.
Odoo have two types of translation file name.
One is named like short lang code, and other as full lang code.
For example: uk.po and uk_UA.po
Full code is prioritized.
addonN - name of addon to import transaltions from.
it is possible to specify 'all' name of addon, in this case
translations will be updated for all installed addons.
odoo-helper tr generate-pot
odoo-helper tr generate-pot [options] <db> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3]...
odoo-helper tr generate-pot [options] <db>
Regenerate .pot files for specified modules
--remove-dates - remove dates from .pot files
--help - show this help message
db - name of database to regenerate translations.
addonN - name of addon to regenerate transaltions for.
odoo-helper tr load
odoo-helper tr load [optiona]
Load language to database.
--lang - language to load.
Usualy it looks like en_UA or uk_UA or ru_RU, etc
--db - name of database to load language for.
--all-db - load language to all databases
--help - show this help message
odoo-helper tr regenerate
odoo-helper tr regenerate --lang <lang> --file <file> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3] ...
--lang <lang code> - language code to regenerate translations for
--file <filename> - name of po file in i18n dir of addons to generate (without extension)
--lang-file <lang_code:filename> - lang code and lang file. could be specified multiple times
--pot - generate .pot file for translations
--pot-remove-dates - remove dates from generated .pot
--pot-update - update translations based on regenerated .pot file
--dir <addons path> - look for addons at specified directory
--dir-r <addons path> - look for addons at specified directory and its subdirectories
--missing-only - regenerate only missing translation files.
Do not overwrite existing translations.
But does not affect the generation of .pot files
(.pot file will be overwritten still)
odoo-helper tr regenerate --lang uk_UA --file uk project product
odoo-helper tr regenerate --lang ru_RU --file ru project product
odoo-helper tr regenerate --lang-file uk_UA:uk --lang-file ru_RU:ru project product
this command automaticaly creates new temporary database with specified lang
and demo_data, installs there specified list of addons
end exports translations for specified addons
odoo-helper tr rate
odoo-helper tr rate --lang <lang> <addon1> [addon2] [addon3] ...
--lang <lang code> - language code to regenerate translations for
--min-total-rate <rate> - minimal translation rate to pass. (optional)
--min-addon-rate <rate> - minimal translation rate per addon. (optional)
--dir <addons path> - look for addons at specified directory
--dir-r <addons path> - look for addons at specified directory and its subdirectories
compute translation rate for specified langauage and addons
odoo-helper postgres
PostgreSQL related commands
NOTE: subcommands tagged by [local] applicable only to local postgres instance!
NOTE: subcommands tagged by [sudo] require sudo. (they will use sudo automaticaly)
NOTE: most of commands require sudo
odoo-helper postgres psql [psql options] - Run psql with odoo connection params
odoo-helper postgres psql -d <database> [psql options] - Run psql connected to specified database
odoo-helper postgres pg_dump [pg_dump options] - Run pg_dump with params of this odoo instance
odoo-helper postgres pg_dump -d <database> [pg_dump options] - Run pg_dump for specified database
odoo-helper postgres user-create <user name> <password> - [local][sudo] Create postgres user for odoo
It automaticaly uses credentials used by odoo
odoo-helper postgres stat-activity - list running postgres queries in database
print data from pg_stat_activity table.
odoo-helper postgres stat-connections - show statistics about postgres connections:
used, reserved, free connections
odoo-helper postgres locks-info - Display info about locks
odoo-helper postgres speedify - [local][sudo] Modify local postgres config
to make it faster. But also makes postgres unsafe.
Usualy this is normal for dev machines,
but not for production
odoo-helper postgres wait-availability - wait for postgresql availability.
This could be usefule inside docker containers.
odoo-helper postgres --help - show this help message
odoo-helper postgres locks-info
Fetch info about postgres locks on database
odoo-helper postgres locks-info <dbname>
odoo-helper postgres locks-info --help
odoo-helper postgres user-create
Create postgres user for Odoo with specified usernama and password
odoo-helper postgres user-create <username> <password>
odoo-helper postgres user-create --help
odoo-helper postgres speedify
Speedify postgres by disabling fsync, synchronous_commit and full_page_writes
WARNNING: this make postgres unsafe, and have to be used only for development
odoo-helper postgres speedify
odoo-helper postgres speedify --help
odoo-helper git
Git-related commands
NOTE: This command is experimental and everything may be changed.
odoo-helper git changed-addons [--help] - show list of addons changed
odoo-helper git -h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper git changed-addons
Print list of paths of addons changed between specified git revisions
odoo-helper git changed-addons [options] <repo> <start> <end>
--ignore-trans - ignore changed translations
Note: this option may not work on old git versions
-h|--help|help - print this help message end exit
<repo> - path to git repository to search for changed addons in
<start> - git start revision
<end> - git end revision
odoo-helper ci
This command provides subcommands useful in CI (Continious Integration) process
NOTE: This command is experimental and everything may be changed.
odoo-helper ci check-versions-git [--help] - ensure versions of changed addons were updated
odoo-helper ci fix-versions [--help] - fix versions of changed addons
odoo-helper ci ensure-icons [--help] - ensure all addons in specified directory have icons
odoo-helper ci ensure-changelog [--help] - ensure that changes described in changelog
odoo-helper ci push-changes [--help] - push changes to same branch
odoo-helper ci do-forward-port [--help] - do forwardport
odoo-helper ci do-fwp [--help] - alias to 'do-forward-port'
odoo-helper ci do-fp [--help] - alias to 'do-forward-port'
odoo-helper ci do-fw [--help] - alias to 'do-forward-port'
odoo-helper ci auto-migrate-modules [--help] - automatically try to migrate modules to current version
odoo-helper ci -h|--help|help - show this help message
odoo-helper ci ensure-icons
Ensure that all addons in specified directory have icons.
odoo-helper ci ensure-icons <addon path> - ensure addons have icons
odoo-helper ci ensure-icons --help - print this help message
odoo-helper ci ensure-changelog
Ensure that all addons in specified directory have changelog entries.
Changelog entries have to be located in 'changelog' directory inside addon.
Each entry is file named in following format:
X.Y.Z is addon version without Odoo version
odoo-helper ci ensure-changelog [options] <path> <start> [end]
--ignore-trans - ignore translations
Note: this option may not work on old git versions
--format <md|rst> - changelog format: Markdown(md) or ReStructuredText (rst).
default: md
--help - print this help message
<repo> - path to git repository to search for changed addons in
<start> - git start revision
[end] - [optional] git end revision.
if not set then working tree used as end revision
odoo-helper ci check-versions-git
Check that versions of changed addons have been updated
odoo-helper ci check-versions-git [options] [repo] [start] [end]
--ignore-trans - ignore translations
Note: this option may not work on old git versions
--repo-version - ensure repository version updated.
Repository version have to be specified in
file named VERSION placed in repository root.
Version have to be string of
5 numbers separated by dots.
For example:
Version number have to be updated if at least one
addon changed
--fix-serie - [experimental] Fix module serie only
--fix-version - [experimental] Attempt to fix versions in changed
addons. By default, it changes 'patch' part of version.
--fix-version-minor - [experimental] Attempt to fix versions in changed
addons. Increases minor part of version number
--fix-version-major - [experimental] Attempt to fix versions in changed
addons. Increases major part of version number
--fix-version-fp - [experimental] Fix version conflicts during
--enforce-bump - [experimental] Enforce version bump for current module.
-h|--help|help - print this help message end exit
[repo] - path to git repository to search for changed addons in
[start] - git start revision
[end] - [optional] git end revision.
if not set then working tree used as end revision
odoo-helper ci fix-versions
Fix (increase) versions of changed addons.
WARNING: this command is experimental
odoo-helper ci fix-versions [options] [repo] [start] [end]
-p|--patch - Attempt to fix versions in changed
addons. By default, it changes 'patch' part of version.
-m|--minor - Attempt to fix versions in changed
addons. Increases minor part of version number
-M|--major - Attempt to fix versions in changed
addons. Increases major part of version number
--ignore-trans - ignore translations
Note: this option may not work on old git versions
--enforce-bump - [experimental] Enforce version bump for current module.
-h|--help|help - print this help message end exit
[repo] - path to git repository to search for changed addons in
[start] - git start revision
[end] - git end revision.
if not set then working tree used as end revision
odoo-helper ci push-changes
Push changes (added to git index) to this repo to same branch.
Have to be used in Continious Integration pipelines.
Have to be ran only in Gitlab
This command could be used in automated flows that modifies repository code
WARNING: this command is experimental, and have to be used carefully
odoo-helper ci push-changes <commit msg> - push changes
odoo-helper ci push-changes --help - print this help message
odoo-helper ci do-forward-port
Initiate forwardport of changes from one stable branch to another.
This command will create new git branch based on destination branch,
then it will apply missing changes from source branch.
Also, it will automatically try to fix versions.
After all automated actions completed, it will stop, for human review.
This command must be executed in destination odoo version.
For example, if we plan to forwardport changes from 11.0 to 12.0,
then we have to call this command on 12.0 branch
WARNING: this command is experimental, and have to be used carefully
odoo-helper ci do-forward-port [options] - do forwardport
odoo-helper ci do-forward-port --help - print this help message
-s|--src-branch <branch> - [required] source branch to take changes from
--path <path> - path to git repository. default current (/builds/katyukha/odoo-helper-scripts)
-r|--remote <name> - name of git remote. Default: origin
--fm|--forward-migrations - Rename all migrations for source version
to new odoo-version. Now it is enabled by default.
--no-fm|--no-forward-migrations - Do not forward-port migrations
--mm|--migrate-modules - [experimental] Migrate module's code
--help - show this help message
odoo-helper ci auto-migrate-modules
Try to automatically migrate modules to current odoo version.
It is not full migration, but just some predefined actions, that
could simplify migrations. The changes made by this command does not
change or update logic. Currently it is only set of find-and-replace rules
applied to module.
odoo-helper ci auto-migrate-modules [options] [args]
--help - print this help message
Same arguments as passed to odoo-helper addons list
# Command below will try to migrate all installable modules in
# current directory
odoo-helper ci auto-migrate-modules --installable .
odoo-helper doc-utils
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list --help - list addons in specified directory
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-graph --help - generate graph with addons dependencies
odoo-helper doc-utils --help - show this help message
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list [options] [addons path] - list addons in specified directory
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list --help - show this help message
-f|--field <field name> - display name of field in manifest
--git-repo - display git repository
--sys-name - display system name
--no-header - do not display header
--dependencies - display dependencies list separated by coma
--format <md|csv> - output format. default: md
--custom-val <val> - custom value
--recursive - search for addons recusively
--installable - installable only
Prints list of addons in specified dierectory in markdown format.
Could be used like:
$ odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list ./my_addon_repo/ >
$ odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list ./my-repo-1 && odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list ./my-repo-2 >
Default options is following:
--sys-name -f name -f version -f summary
Result looks like
| System Name | Name | Version | Summary |
| my_addon | My Addon | | My Cool Addon |
| my_addon_2 | My Addon 2 | | My Cool Addon 2 |
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-graph
This command is experimental and may be changed in future
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-graph [options] <path> - build depedency graph for addons in directory
odoo-helper doc-utils addons-graph --help - show this help message
--out <path> - output path (default ./graph.svg)
-f|--format <format> - output format (default: svg)
- supported formats:
odoo-helper system
System utils for odoo-helper-scripts
odoo-helper system update [branch] - update odoo-helper-scripts (to specified branch / commit)
odoo-helper system lib-path <lib name> - print path to lib with specified name
odoo-helper system is-project [path] - check if specified dir is odoo-helper project
if dirname is not specified then current dir checked
odoo-helper system get-venv-dir [path] - if path is part of odoo-helper project than print path
to virtualenv directory for this project.
if path is not specified, then current working directory
is used instead
odoo-helper system --help - show this help message
odoo-helper update-sources
Unknown option global option /command update-sources