Installation of odoo-helper-scripts

Installation of odoo-helper-scripts consists of three steps:

  1. Install odoo-helper-scripts
  2. Install system dependencies for odoo-helper-scripts
  3. Install dependencies for specific Odoo version

Second step is separated, because installing system dependencies on different different platforms may differ and automatic installation of system dependencies only supported on debian-like systems (using apt)

Installing odoo-helper-scripts itself

There are three options to install odoo-helper-scripts:

User-space installation

wget -O - | bash -s

or in more explicit way:

wget -O odoo-helper-install-user.bash
bash odoo-helper-install-user.bash

After instalation you will have odoo-helper-scripts directory inside your home directory And $HOME/odoo-helper.conf file will be generated with path to odoo-helper-scripts install dir. odoo-helper-scripts executables will be placed in $HOME/bin/ directory. If this directory does not exists at installation time, then it will be created.

Known bugs and workarounds for user-space installation

  1. command not found odoo-helper after installation. Ususaly this happens, because there is no $HOME/bin directory or it is not in $PATH before installation. After installation this directory will be created, but additional steps may be required to add it to $PATH
    • restart shell session (for example open new terminal window or tab). This may help if shell is configured to use $HOME/bin directory if it is exists.
    • if bash is used as shell, then it may be enough to source .profile file ($ source $HOME/.profile)
    • add $HOME/bin directory to $PATH in your shell start-up configration (Stack Exchange Question)

System-wide installation

To install (system-wide) just do folowing:

# Install odoo-helper-scripts
wget -O - | sudo bash -s

or more explicit way:

# Download installation script
wget -O /tmp/odoo-helper-install.bash;

# Install odoo-helper-scripts
sudo bash /tmp/odoo-helper-install.bash;

After instalation odoo-helper-scripts code will be placed in /opt/odoo-helper-scripts directory. odoo-helper.conf file that containse global odoo-helper configuration will be placed inside /etc/ directory odoo-helper-scripts executables will be placed in /usr/local/bin directory.

Install as .deb package

Note: this feature is experimental!

It is possible to install odoo-helper-scripts as .deb package. Find all generated .deb packages in releases page. To install the latest stable version just download and install following deb package: odoo-helper-scripts_master.deb

Install system dependencies for odoo-helper-scripts

On this step system dependencies have to be installed. This could be done automaticaly for debian-based systems:

odoo-helper install pre-requirements

On other operation systems it may require to install system dependencies manualy For example following command will isntall system dependencies for OpenSUSE linux (this command could be outdated)

zypper install git wget python-setuptools gcc postgresql-devel python-devel expect-devel libevent-devel libjpeg-devel libfreetype6-devel zlib-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel cyrus-sasl-devel openldap2-devel libssl43 libffi-devel

Also, PostgreSQL is usualy required for local development. For debian-based systems odoo-helper could be used:

odoo-helper install postgres

Postgres user for odoo may be created at same time

odoo-helper install postgres odoo_user odoo_password

Note: it is recommended to create new postgres user for each Odoo instance

For other systems it have to be installed manualy

Install Odoo system dependencies

To make Odoo work, some system dependencies fpecific for version may be required. Most of python dependencies are installed in virtualenv, thus no need for sudo access. But some non-python system libraries may be required.

For this reason for debian-based systems exists one more odoo-helper command

#odoo-helper install sys-deps <odoo-version>
odoo-helper install sys-deps 11.0

For other systems such depencies have to be installed manualy

Installation of development version

Installation scripts could reciev reference argument. This could be branch name, tag name or commit hash. So to install development version system-wide run following command:

# Install odoo-helper-scripts  (note '- dev' in the end of command)
wget -O - | sudo bash -s - dev

#  Intall system pre-requirements for odoo-helper-scripts
odoo-helper install pre-requirements

For user-space install:

wget -O - | bash -s - dev

#  Intall system pre-requirements for odoo-helper-scripts
#  NOTE: works only on debian-based systems
odoo-helper install pre-requirements

Update odoo-helper-scripts

If you installed old version of odoo-helper scripts and want to update them to new version, then following command will help you:

odoo-helper system update

For example to update to last dev commit following command could be used:

odoo-helper system update dev