
odoo_requirements.txt parsed line by line, and each line must be set of options for odoo-helper fetch command.


Fetch addons form any git repository

-r|--repo <git repository>  [-b|--branch <git branch>] [-m|--module <odoo module name>] [-n|--name <repo name>]

Fetch addons from github repository

--github <github username/reponame> [-b|--branch <git branch>] [-m|--module <odoo module name>] [-n|--name <repo name>]

Fetch OCA addons from any OCA github repository

--oca <OCA reponame> [-b|--branch <git branch>] [-m|--module <odoo module name>] [-n|--name <repo name>]

Fetch addons direcly from Odoo Apps

--odoo-app <app name>

Parse another odoo_requirments.txt file

--requirements <requirements file>


Note odoo_requirements.txt must end with newline symbol.


--github crnd-inc/generic-addon --module generic_tags -b 12.0
--oca project -m project_description
--odoo-app bureaucrat_helpdesk_lite

For details run odoo-helper fetch --help