Quick Start Guide

This is quick start guide for odoo-helper-scripts for development odoo installations.

If you want to install Odoo on production server, then take a look at crnd-deploy project - just a single command allows you to get production-ready odoo instance with configured PostgreSQL and Nginx.

Install odoo-helper scripts

For full list of installation options look at installation documentation

To install odoo-helper-scripts system-wide do folowing:

wget -O - https://gitlab.com/katyukha/odoo-helper-scripts/raw/master/install-system.bash | sudo bash -s

or more explicit way:

# Download installation script
wget -O /tmp/odoo-helper-install.bash https://gitlab.com/katyukha/odoo-helper-scripts/raw/master/install-system.bash;

# Install odoo-helper-scripts
sudo bash /tmp/odoo-helper-install.bash;

Install dependencies

Ensure odoo-helper-scripts pre-requirements are installed This step should be usualy ran one time. It installs dependencies of odoo-helper-scripts itself and common odoo dependencies.

odoo-helper install pre-requirements

Install system dependencies for specific Odoo version (in this example 11.0) Note, that this option requires sudo.

odoo-helper install sys-deps 11.0;

Install PostgreSQL Server and create postgres user for Odoo with name='odoo' and password='odoo'. First argument is postgres user name and second is password.

odoo-helper install postgres odoo odoo

Install Odoo

Install Odoo 11.0 into odoo-11.0 directory

odoo-install -i odoo-11.0 --odoo-version 11.0

Manage installed Odoo

Change directory to that one contains just installed Odoo instance. This is required to make instance-management commands work.

cd odoo-11.0

Now You have Odoo 11.0 installed in this directory. Note, that this odoo installation uses virtualenv (venv directory) Also you will find there odoo-helper.conf config file

So now You can run local odoo server (i.e openerp-server or odoo.py or odoo-bin script). Note that this command run's server in foreground. Configuration file conf/odoo.conf will be automatically used

odoo-helper server run

Press Ctrl+C to stop the server

To run server in backgroud use following command:

odoo-helper server start

Run command below to open current odoo isntance in browser:

odoo-helper browse

By default Odoo service will be accessible on localhost:8069

There are also additional server related commands (see Frequently Used Commands):

odoo-helper server status
odoo-helper server log
odoo-helper server ps
odoo-helper server restart
odoo-helper server stop

Also there are shourtcuts for these commands

odoo-helper status
odoo-helper log
odoo-helper restart
odoo-helper stop

Create database with demo-data

To create Odoo database with demo data run following command

odoo-helper db create --demo my-database

Then start Odoo server (if it wasn't started yet)

odoo-helper start

And login to just created database with following default credentials:

Fetch and install Odoo addons

Let's fetch modules from OCA repository contract Branch will be detected automatically by odoo-helper-scripts

odoo-helper fetch --oca contract

Or alternatively

odoo-helper fetch --github OCA/contract --branch 11.0

Or alternatively

odoo-helper fetch --repo https://github.com/OCA/contract --branch 11.0

If repository have standard branch structure branches have same names as Odoo versions (series) then odoo-helper will automatically try to switch to right branch, thus it is not required to specify branch name in this case. So command above may look like:

odoo-helper fetch --github OCA/contract

Now look at custom_addons/ directory, there will be placed links to addons from OCA repository 'contract' But repository itself is placed in repositories/ directory

At this point fetched addons are not shown in Apps Odoo menu. That's why we have to update addons list in database. This can be done by Odoo UI in developer mode (Apps / Update Applications List) or th a simple shell command:

odoo-helper addons update-list

Now addons are present in Odoo's database, so they could be installed via UI (Apps menu) Also it is possible to do this via command line with following command:

odoo-helper addons install [-d database] <addon name>

For example following command will install contract addon

odoo-helper addons install -d my-database contract

Also if database is not specified addon will be installed to all vaiablable databases

Run tests

Now let's run tests for these just installed modules

odoo-helper test --create-test-db -m contract

This will create test database (it will be dropt after tests finished) and run tests for contract module

Or we can run tests for all addons in specified directory, odoo-helper-scripts will automaticaly detect installable addons and run test for them

odoo-helper test --dir ./repositories/contract

This will use standard test database, that will not be dropt after tests, so we do not need to recreate database on each test run, which saves time.

If you need color output from Odoo, you may use --use-unbuffer option, but it depends on unbuffer program that could be found in expect-dev package.

odoo-helper --use-unbuffer test -m contract

The one cool thing of odoo-helper-scripts, you may not remeber paths to odoo instalation directory, and if you change directory to another inside your Odoo project, everything will continue to work.

cd custom_addons
odoo-helper server status
dooo-helper server restart

One more Odoo install

So... let's install one more Odoo version go back to directory containing your projects (that one, where odoo-11.0 project is placed in)

cd ../../

Let's install Odoo of version 12.0 here too. First, install system dependencies for Odoo version 12.0

odoo-helper install sys-deps 12.0;

And when system dependencies installed, install Odoo itself

odoo-install --install-dir odoo-12.0 --odoo-version 12.0
cd odoo-12.0

and, for example, install there partner-contact/base_location addon from partner-contact Odoo Community Association repository Note that odoo-helper script will automaticaly fetch branch named as server version in current install (in this case 12.0), if another branch was not specified

odoo-helper fetch --oca partner-contact -m base_location

and run tests for it

odoo-helper test --create-test-db -m base_location

Also if you want to install python packages in current installation environment, odoo-helper provides pip alias to pip installed in virtualenv of Odoo instance

odoo-helper pip install phonenumbers


odoo-helper-scripts has much more features.

Look at Frequently Used Commands to gen more info.